Friday, October 19, 2007


I have lost my blog! Last night with 2 windows open, I deleted what I thought was a post, but was my blog! I have NO idea how to recover any of it!


  1. There is an option to e-mail each post to yourself as you make it... I presume you never did that?
    There is also the 'feed' option some use to read new posts. I don't use them myself... I find I am technologically challenged by them. But maybe someone has some of your posts that way?

    Sterling job of bringing the side bar back to life simon!

  2. I am so sorry! -scary thought.
    At least you were able to get the same url address (I know, small comfort).
    Wished I knew how to recover your blog.

  3. Maalie might of course suggest it was bad karma for implying someone else should preferentially win da Cup!

  4. I wondered where bits and bobs had gone. I thought it was because it was late at night and I was just tired and emotional.
    Don't ask Maalie's help or you will find that your photos are changed into bonking koalas and such like.

  5. oh no! i think once you do that, sugar, it's gone for good! a fresh start?

  6. So, who's going to win tonight?

  7. The Southern Hemisphere has prevailed.....

  8. thanks for all your thought! I thought the same- that is was karma for the support of anyone other than england..

    I will bering the blog back to life by revisiting Cota Donana!

  9. Oh Simon, I cannot imagine your angst with this loss. I would be beyond downhearted. I do often wonder what I would do if it all just blew away with the wind. My text is saved in individual Word docs but I don't think I would have the heart to start a blog all over again.

  10. Maybe it's an oportunity for a fresh start - isn't death supposed to signify new life?

    Sorry to have lost all those wonderful pictures, and the support you have in the comments. We could all rally together and fill your new post with comments?

    Though with Lorenzo and I around there's a possibility it'll get as crazy as Combe Martin around here... ;-)

  11. Oh, my God! I bleed for you, my friend - how horrible.. There are lots of good techies on the blog - try Ron, he advises on all blogger issues, this is right up his street, he's on my blogroll under Rodensia (or something like that, it's to do with rats.) Or click on to Ron from one of my comments section and tell him I sent you. Good luck honey, hope he can help.

  12. At least you haven't lost your whole hard drive as I did when I spilled Belgian Leffe beer all over my lapdancer!

  13. Comments? We'll provide you with new comments...just throw us some posts and we will give you buckets of words*giggle*!!

    You pushed the red button, didn't you?

    It's OK Simon, it was a sign to move on to new thoughts!:)

  14. I think you are all right! Fresh begining!

    Maalie I STILL laugh out loud thinking about the tragic loss of your beer....

  15. What? Spilt beer? That's no laughing matter Simon, and you an Aussie!

  16. @ Maalie:
    Belgian beer! *tztz*

    I spilled Early Grey over my laptop. Only damage I had was from the vacuum cleaner.

  17. Oh man, I'm so sorry! I've seen that "delete blog" button before, and I guess in a moment of inattention that could happen to any of us -- I don't know if you can retrieve anything or not -- I would think there might be a cache of some sorts if you haven't erased your cookies and temporary internet files yet? But I don't know much about these sorts of things, so I won't be of much help!

    Like everyone else said -- it will make for a fresh start! New beginnings are always good. But I can relate -- I would have been upset too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, by the way. And enjoy creating your new one!

  18. Thanks Late Bloomer! Iwill confess it was late and I had a very nice glass of white wine...

    anyway- The GOOD news is- A dear frond of mine has found a way I can get my blog BACK!! Yippie!
