Monday, May 30, 2011

New Binoculars

"..Its axiomatic that all good things must come to an end" so said Maalie, and he is right. friendships are so brief, and you are a fool to think otherwise.

One of the parting things he said was " Mate, you are no longer and amateur, you need some good bins" ( said at 3 am at Sydney airport )

So I went out and bought these:-

Now before you experts out there go "Oh yes, that's OK but they are not Leicas". I know that. These Pentax are priced mid range, are rugged, and if I drop them, lose them, or they stop working I am not going to cry over a $3000.00 bill.

Today I went for a walk along the fire trail, in poor light, and enjoyed every minute even though the weather was wintery and dark. I saw Currawong, Yellow-rumped thornbill, Glossy black cockatoo, Satin Bower Bird and heard Bell Minor.

The new Bins are more direct, and will take a bit to get used but they are great. Thanks mate.


  1. I am sure Jim is smiling down in approval (hugs).

  2. :o) thanks.. thwy take a bit of getting used to. they are more "direct" than the older ones I have

  3. Rugged.... that's the sort of equipment for me too- Glad you made it into the 'pro' ranks! PS Jill is thrashing me in lexulous...

  4. :o) they are a good set Kiwi..I plan to get out tomorrow and use them

  5. well... you do go all out .. but I'm sure it's worth it for the value and enjoyment you get from bushwalking and bird watching..

    Have a great weekend.. the sun is finally out!! ciao xxx Julie

  6. oops- these did not cost $3000,00 thats my point Julie! lol!

  7. Maalie said I should get a decent pair - what should I get if I buy the same model you got Simon?

  8. Badge- the pentax are what the rangers use here in Aus.. mid range at $1500.00. Whilst not leicas ( at $3000.00) they are compact, strong, water proof and not far off the pace.
