Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bushfires again!

This time last year we had fires close to the house. Yesterday,  as weather conditions deteriorated, a back burn got away. Here are some of the images courtesy  of the Sydney Morning Herald.

Roads were closed and houses lost as well as a couple of fire trucks. (see above)

Today the fires are under control but not without the concerted efforts of the Rural Fire brigades. This season is going to  be worse than  last  year I  think.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


The past few weeks have been a little intense, with a couple of melanomas being removed. Its a real bother, as I  had to  go and get one further removed as they  did not get it all. Tomorrow I have to  have a full body  scan, and there may  be one or two more.
A Garden Nome stands guard!

So, one of the things I am  finding a real pleasure is my  garden. I plant a lot of daisies last  year and they are really  coming on. I  also  planted lavender and the bees are really  enjoying that.

Ms Bee enjoying the work around the lavender

Native birds are also enjoying the native plants I  put in. Noticeably, the Lewins honeyeater, Wattlebird and Eastern Spinebill.

Bright Pig Face!

These are a few on the photos. The garden is starting to  take shape and is a real pleasure to sit in and enjoy.!

One of the native flowers.