Saturday, September 7, 2013


The past few weeks have been a little intense, with a couple of melanomas being removed. Its a real bother, as I  had to  go and get one further removed as they  did not get it all. Tomorrow I have to  have a full body  scan, and there may  be one or two more.
A Garden Nome stands guard!

So, one of the things I am  finding a real pleasure is my  garden. I plant a lot of daisies last  year and they are really  coming on. I  also  planted lavender and the bees are really  enjoying that.

Ms Bee enjoying the work around the lavender

Native birds are also enjoying the native plants I  put in. Noticeably, the Lewins honeyeater, Wattlebird and Eastern Spinebill.

Bright Pig Face!

These are a few on the photos. The garden is starting to  take shape and is a real pleasure to sit in and enjoy.!

One of the native flowers.