Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dance Floor Cave

Dance floor cave.

Do you like Irish dance music? Do you like the feel of the stars, of fresh winds at night and the feeling of freedom? Do you think there is another way? Another way, instead of the city life you live? Then come with me!

Situated in the Kanangra Boyd National Park is a cave. A cave were the first settlers built a floor- a dance floor, protected from the elements by a great rock overhang. A cave, how cool is that?! In the late 1800's and early 1900's the farmers would walk their cattle across the divide. A cattle route. Carved from rock. Harsh, leading to their homes of bark, wattle and mud. Here, at the junction families would arrive, light a fire and dance.

The cave itself. All that remains.

I chose, on a wet, wild stormy day to walk this track. Magic as it was, to imagine how they lived. The music, the smoke, the laughter. Magic it was, as the rain pelted down. I remembered my grandfather, my uncle who cut great logs from this forest.

The track. Utterly water logged!

Today I could talk about the track, the plateau, or the fact that the vegetation is alpine. I could talk about the birds or the wallabies, or the sat nav. But today, yes today......

A wallaby

I remember the way they met, and danced amongst the smoke and the rock overhang. Will you?


  1. and you know what? I cannot get a mobile phone signal in my home yet right on top of the pass my phone worked! miles from anywhere... vodaphone you are weird!

  2. Oh, what a magical place, so romantic and inspiring. Harsh as life was for our ancestors, they managed to set aside time for dancing and laughter.

  3. Halfmom- it really was for real!

    Shrinky- yes 100% we really have not come so far imo..

  4. sounds beautiful! dancing under the stars, how lovely. I won't try in Shetland at mo - freezing, and more snow on the way!

  5. Abby- I reckon it would be very cold in Shetlad at the moment!

  6. Yes. Interesting. You're blessed, Simon, with such a love and delight for the outdoors. We all need more of that!
