The street I live in...
With the weather having turned for the worst and no opportunity to ride or walk, there were not too many options. So, taking a leaf out of Maalies book- and make the most of the situation, I decided to do some birding along the dams, river and lagoons of the Hawkesbury.
The Hawkesbury Valley has a large network of lagoons, and lakes and with the rain each is full and bursting with life.
It was a cool day, heavy with showers and storms. It made the day a strange mix of cold air, rain and suddenly sunshine with humidity. I chose to commence the birding in Westbury Lane and was greeted by Bell Minor, Soldier Bird, Australian Magpie and Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike.
Black Swans On Pughs Lagoon
Driving through the rain to Pughs Lagoon and I was greeted by Black Swan, Coot, Swamphen as well as House sparrow, Variegated wren, Whiskered Bul bul, and Plover.
The area that I was visiting has changed over the years. In early settlement the area was Sydney's food basket, in later years, turf farms and now- polo fields. The wealthy arrive via helicopter and it really has become a major industry. Prince Charles has even played here.
Little Pied Cormorant
One bird in particular was interesting, the Australian Pipit and White Winged Chuffs. Whilst I had seen these on trips out west I had not seen them here and had to refer to my bird books to confirm that they are in fact found across this area too.
After four hours of walking and driving I had a nice list of birds and a nice day out!
History rusting.
Bird list:- Welcome Swallow, Kookaburra, Bell Minor, Australian Magpie, Pee Wee, Willy Wag Tail, Dusky Wood Swallow, Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike, Crested Pigeon, Dusky Moorhen, Pacific Black Duck, Wood Duck, Coot, Black Swan, Little Pied Cormorant, Australian White Ibis, Mallard, Variegated Wren, House Sparrow, Plover, Whiskered Bulbul, Nankeen Kestrel, Great Egret, Australian Pipit, White Faced Heron, Australian Raven, Common Bronzewing, Royal Spoonbill, Cattle Egret, Common Starling, Straw Necked Ibis, White Winged Chuff, Soldier Bird.