This is me, posing for a photo shoot. As you can see I am smiling. Do you think I have potential for movies?

My cousin Koko
One of my favorite movies is "Red Dog" which stars my cousin Koko a Red Cattle dog cross Kelpie. Based on a true story, and if you watch it you will see just how amazing we are as dogs and just how we make cats our friends.

He can ride motorbikes and I can bite them
Recently, we got a new cat called Sable. She looks very much like Midnight and I have tried my very best to get to know her. I have bent new security screens, jumped on tables to try and get through windows and even used my "super" bark to evoke fear and friendship.

He even like trucks as I do!
Still she sits right at the windows. Do you think she likes me? I think I am pretty good looking too, whilst I am not movies star I have a unique coat and colour. and it a double coat which means its water proof!
Do you like my smile? I have "choppy" jaws. they sound like two planks of wood clapping together when i am serious about issues. E.g. not being fed at exactly the same time, not going on walks, not being allowed to steal workshop tools.
Nip, thanks so much for your movie review & for the cat introduction (though we would like a photo of Sable sometime soon-ish)...
ReplyDeleteThat bark hurts cat ears, btw. Coupled by the clicking sound of your jaw (yikes), this would definitely not make Sable very excited to meet you up close & personal. Just FYI...
ditto... would like to see a photo shoot of sable !
yes Nip.. what's the deal with not showing us the competition~~~?
ReplyDeleteplease tell Simon I apologize for my lateness!!
ciao ciao xxx Julie
Nothing about you here/ How goes it?
ReplyDeleteHi Everyone, Sorry for the silence. the internet at home has completley shat itself, So I have got into work and have access here. :o)